Would you like some crayons?

One week ago, one of my roommates developed some severe eye irritation.  A trip to the emergency room revealed that he developed corneal ulcers from bacteria growing under his contact lenses.  During one of the several follow-up visits, there was a significant wait due to a major vehicle accident.  While we waited, the nurse decided we needed something to do.  She brought us an outlined picture that had in it other hidden pictures; like something you may have been handed in the fourth grade.  These puzzles were cleverly designed to occupy you at your little desk, while the teacher sipped whiskey from her coffee mug, writing love letters to her eighteen year old boy-toy on school letterhead.

After about an hour we had finally found all of the hidden items, just as the E.R. doctor entered the room.  He noticed that we were deeply involved in the completion of the puzzle and the following words fell from his mouth: “Would you guys like some crayons?  I hear Clarkson students are good at coloring.”. 

I have made a pact with myself and my roommates.  Whenever we witness someone doing something that is dangerous, idiotic, or otherwise stupid, we are going to ask them if they would like some crayons. 

I think you should do the same. 

“Would you like some crayons?” 🙂



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